Understanding Design Studios Collaboration Networks: A Social Network Analysis in Architecture and Interior Design Education Research

Huda Almadhoob, Reem Sultan

Contact: huda.almadhoob@gmail.com

Social interactions between students are a major and underexplored research topic in undergraduate education. This study comes to respond to this critique and understand how relationships form in undergraduate design studios, as well as the impacts these relationships on successful completion of the projects. This aims to inform educators in unique ways and improve educational reform and establish early interventions using Social Network analysis (SNA). Utilising SNA as a quantitative method within an interpretive context, to understand network roles, behaviours and emergent outcomes in design studios. This research will introduce basic concepts in SNA, along with methods for data collection, data processing, and data analysis, using weekly collected data throughout the first semester of 2019-2020, from four design studios at University of Bahrain. Descriptive analysis is conducted to reflect on in-studio networks structure, prominent network positions in order to explore dynamic collaborative processes that may lead to success completion of design projects.

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